According to Craftsy (now Bluprint), an online resource of expert taught video classes for so many crafts and hobbies, March is National Craft Month. As a lifelong crafter and maker, I’m all in. Learning a new skill or craft energizes me, and while I impatiently wait for winter to fade away, I could use some energizing.

A dear friend of mine encouraged me to sign up for a pottery class with her, and I’m loving it! It’s awesome to make and mold things with your hands that you can use in everyday life. In our first class the instructor encouraged us to practice the art of unattachment, since many of our first “creations” won’t be pieces we’ll actually want to use. Sage advice. I’m only two classes/weeks in, but nothing I’ve created so far resembles a usable piece of pottery. I remain hopeful!

Making pottery is one of those crafts that requires a lot of time as a newbie, and with the pottery studio being 40 minutes away, I’m not getting as much practice in as I’d like. In between those weekend sessions, I’m now learning how to sew. I’d previously taken a couple in-person sewing classes at Fancy Tiger here in Denver, which got me started, but I’m on my path to master seamstress with the help of Craftsy.

The video classes are thorough, well organized for finding precisely what you’re looking for, and the downloadable class materials are helpful. If you’re interested in learning about sewing, quilting, woodworking (which I am), cooking/baking (yep), gardening (uh huh), photography (yes!), drawing, painting, etcetera, then I highly encourage you to give Craftsy a go! I signed up for Crafsty Unlimited because I want to learn it ALL.

Here are a few other online resources for stretching your imagination, creativity, and continuing your education:

  • Duolingo – Learning a new language is an incredible craft/skill. I’m currently freshening up on what remains of my high school French knowledge. This site makes it fun and encouraging. It’s also free.

  • Skillshare – Thousands of classes on design, business, technology, even film and writing. New users get one free month of unlimited access. So, why not?

  • Brit+Co – Mobile phone photography, chalkboard lettering, illustration, flower arranging, etc. and a handful of rotating free classes to inspire your creative side.  

What skill(s) are you interested in learning more about? It’s National Craft Month. Go on. Get after it!  

UPDATE: Since posting this blog Craftsy was acquired by Bluprint. Also, I finished my pottery pieces!



DIYCortney Davislearn, crafting, maker